In the Koran, Prophet Mohamed has said for the future that “Your hands will speak.” In the Bible, also it is said that “I will send you a Comforter who will make you know My Father forever.”
That clearly means that yet we are not connected with the Father of Christ. And somebody has to do it and give the counsel and redeem you, means give you evolutionary jump into that breakthrough. I feel today that blossom time has come.
Whatever has been in the history is just an evolutionary process. Like in the earlier stages of animals’ evolution, those who were very aggressive and bulky people were thrown out of the circulation of evolution. Today at human level, those people who are trying to club each other and organize God and also try to create falsehood will be exposed, no doubt. Now the truth, truth has to express itself, which will express but if you don’t accept, it will break through with a crash. So now, one has to understand that there is within us a power or a built in process by which we can become the spirit.