Beauty in variety

August 23, 1997

In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t want you to dress up the same way, look the same way, cut your hair the same way. No. You have to be individuals, because you are free, but that doesn’t mean – freedom is always supported by wisdom – that doesn’t mean that you do what you like. All kinds of funny things happen when a person doesn’t know what is the light of the spirit. In the light of the spirit, you don’t get involved into this kind of collective madness that is going on. We are so collective in mad things. I wish they could be collective more in wise things. Wisdom is very important and a joy giving quality of Radhaji. Alladhadayini Shakti has to come within us. Means, when we meet another person in the collectivity, another person should feel happy with you. So [Krishna] taught the Dharma of love. Love is not there if you discard because he is black or because he is brown, because he is white. It’s very superficial – what is black, white and yellow? I don’t understand. Here they go to the sea shores to make themselves black and there they say, we don’t want to have any blacks, specially for Americans. This kind of separation I found there, among the blacks and the whites, I really wept.