Sahaja Yoga naturally selective

August 19, 1990

So Sahaja Yoga is the only organization in the whole world, whether you call it spiritual or whatever you may call it, is the only organization that it is also anxious to throw away many people from Sahaja Yoga. There is no organization – I mean we are not organization, also. But there is no spiritual movement, there is no movement in the whole world that not only allows people to go out of Sahaja Yoga but throws them out, because it is bound by the divine laws and it has to abide by the divine laws…. But in Sahaja Yoga we give a chance for such people also who are very devilish types, who are very detrimental to our growth, who are against spirituality, who are against God, we give them a long rope to hang themselves. That’s the Mother side of this incarnation, but the Krishna side is a very fast-moving one.