Jung, Sartre, and the Three Channels within us

August 12, 1988

Now we have three energies flowing within us. The first is on the left hand side, which gives us the existence by which we exist, and gives us the desire to exist. Also gives us the desire. This one is represented by the left hand side we can say or the left sympathetic nervous system. This represents our past, which I would say Freud saw as something as conditioning but I think he was very half baked.

Sartre saw the other side, the right side. Only person who saw it clearly was – quite clearly was Jung and he said that you have to be self realized in which you become, you become, again he said you become collectively conscious, you become. He just made one mistake I think, he thought that the conscious mind has to go to the subconscious to reach the unconscious. Maybe the effect of Freud because he was a – to begin with he was a disciple.

We must know that God is a great organizer. For we have to go supposing to the airport, we don’t have to cross through the masses of luggage. There is a passage, proper passage for us to go through it. In the same way, if we have to ascent, there has to be a proper passage, so the organizer has made beautifully the left side for our psyche, not Freudian way, but the psyche I would call it because the left side is all the conditionings and the past, and the right side which is our future and our mental and physical being. And the central path is left for our ascent, this is the evolutionary path. So the left path is for our desire, the power of desire and the right side is for the power of action through our mental and physical being.

When the Kundalini rises through these centers, she brings back them and as if, like a thread it passes through several pearls, the Kundalini goes through all the Chakras, and connects you to the mains. She nourishes all the centers. By that nourishment you get the vitality and thus you get cured. So it is your own power which cures you, it is your own redeeming factor within you, which is dormant so far, becomes active and you get cured. Most of the physical diseases are caused by imbalance on the physical side and the mental diseases are caused by the imbalances on the left hand side. Now, if you can after Realization understand how to bring your personality into balance you can cure yourself of any disease.