What is detached love?

August 3, 1993

It’s like the sap in the trees which rises from the Mother Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn’t stay in one flower because it likes it or in one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of the tree- whatever is in need- and is not attached. But supposing it gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf or that flower will also die.

So detached love only gives, doesn’t expect anything. It is complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything. We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the politics, especially, one country believes that they must hate another country, they are born for that. Because hundred years back some quarrel took place or a war took place, so the children are still fighting among themselves. You’ll be amazed that when I first came to Russia, 25 German Sahaja Yogis rushed to help me there.

Instead of bearing that malice in their hearts, as their forefathers had killed so many of Russians, they felt it was their greatest duty to go and do some service for the Russians. So all the hatred changes into this powerful Love. This power of Love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga we have to use only our power of Love. It’s the most powerful, effective weapon that we have.